Monday, February 09, 2009

reversed a miracle?

i visited a good friend tonight out in Hemet, Joey and Jo-Lyn Azterbaum, and we spent the night telling stories and catching up the way we do.

but Joey told me the story of him and Jo-Lyn going to a mormon church back in their college years.

if you dont know, the Mormon Church uses water during communion with bread, to represent the body and blood of Christ. Im not sure why... i was told once, but i dont remember.

anyway, so... joey is sitting there and he said the only thing that went through his head was:

"Jesus turned water into wine, and the Mormons turned it back..."

i laughed so hard it hurt.


i thought i would re-tell that story to you.


well... now im sitting in Starbucks, with my grasshopper in hand... seeing the same people come in and out of htese doors that i have seen for the past few years. its amazing how, within this town, there are so many things you can count on- seing the same people at the same places is one of them.

now, i wonder if i can really put off writing essays much longer.

heres to hoping.

Love y'all,

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