Wednesday, February 25, 2009

interesting take on Christian Leadership from Henry Nouwen

“Many priests and ministers today increasingly perceive themselves as having very little impact… They face an ongoing decrease in church attendance and discover that psychologists, psychotherapists, marriage counselors, adn doctors are often more trusted than they.”

“The secular world around us is saying in a loud voice, ‘We can take care of ourselves. We do not need God, the Church, or a priest. We are in control. And if we are not, then we have to work harder to get in control. The problem is not lack of faith, but lack of competence… God, the Church, and the minister have been used for centuries to fill the gaps of incompetence, but today the gaps are being filled in other ways, and we no longer need spiritual answers to practical questions.’ In this climate of secularization, Christian leaders feel less and less relevant and more and more marginal. Many begin to wonder why they should stay in the [ordained] ministry. Often they leave, develop a new competency, and join their contemporaries in their attempts to make relevant contributions to a better world.”

its interesting to me how we get all of these problems within our own ministry and life.

i guess thats why we remain centered on Christ.

He is our strength.

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