Tuesday, February 03, 2009

25 things.

here it is... 25 things.

1. I have this strange idea that Im gonna end up living with a cat lady when im older.

2. I miss theatre more than i let on.

3. Im a closetted country fan.

4. I have many things in my past that i dont like, but regrets are few- this is my story. i own that.

5. I hate the fact that there is a rift between Christians and Homosexuals. a lot. i HATE it.

6. Sometimes i feel like im missing out on my youth and that im growing up too fast...

7. I have a love/hate relationship with coffee. i love it... then i hate what it does to me.

8. I struggle with acne.

9. i like sleep. a lot. way more than i should.

10. I care about people more than i let on... and i pay for it often.

11. I have been in love with a close friend for a LONG time. and they have no idea.

12. i sleep with a body pillow.

13. I am really insecure about how other people interact with me. i often find myself feeling like a 5th wheel in life- like im not really friends with people, im just an outsider looking in on a life that i could never dream of having.

14. I rely on my humor more than i should.

15. I have a strong respect for the Mormon faith, even though I dont follow it.

16. I have a distinct fear of growing up, and at the same time of being hindered because of my youth.

17. i dont really have a sister... but i do. :D

18. I LOVE EVERWOOD! more than anyone should ever EVER love a t.v. show.

19. I truly believe i have the best job in the world.

20. i am in love with SKA.

21. i watch people.

22. i always try to help people who cant help themselves. sometimes it blows up in my face.

23. sometimes me being nice comes across as me being creepy. i hereby apologize to everyone that might have been in the middle of this.


25. this was harder than i thought it would be to complete. what does that mean?!?!

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