Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The ground pulls at my feet...

isnt it funny how gravity has almost a dual effect on us as humans? it pulls at our physical body, but it seems sometimes as if our actualy behavior is effected by Gravity. meaning our do's and dont's are not always what we want them to be. when we look at our life, what we strive to be, what we desire to make our life into, it seems odd to think that ust being in this world, just being inside this body makes it so that we cant always do what we want. we cannot live up to the standard that we give ourselves, we cant be GOOD all the time... the ground pulls at our feet.

but, now think this throguh with me, if our lives are not able to be completely good at all... then isnt it possible that we are not supposed to put all of our energy into doing Good of ourselves all the time, but moreso in doing good by others? isnt it possible that our lives, as a whole, are meant to be speant helping and effecting others and living for christ and telling other people what is true, wrather than letting our entire world view be engrossed in "Do's and Dont;'s"?

life is not meant to be about us doing what we think we are supposed to live up to, folowing these rules, folowing those regulations. life is about impacting other people with the good news of Christ, and letting them feel like they are important.

see... life is not about you... life is not about anything else but living for Christ... and that means caring about the things He cares about, and being haertbroken with the things that breaks His heart.

"O God, let us become more like you..."