Thursday, March 20, 2008

something worth dieing for.

isnt it wierd how we tend to group people together?

i cant tell you how many times i've been talking, sitting around, and someone says something rpovacotive, and immediately someone always asks "whats your major?"

and i sit back and laugh...

anyway, thats not what i want to talk about.

i was feeling restless last night so me and a friend of mine took a drive down the 1... we didnt driv too far, but i just neede to get out and go...

we talked about alot of random things, about girls and about God and about life and jokin around.

but in the midst of it all we started talking about what it means to be a real christian... and i really think that we take the Christian faith a lot easier than it really is. Its funny, when you think about the things that jesus asked us to do, it really comes down to just a few things: Preach the Gospel, and Die to yourself.

and i know that i fail miserably at both of those, and when you look at it... life is hard. the christian life is hard to do... it requires EVERYTHING of you...

and still... Jesus says to us "come to me, you who are weary... and i will give you rest."

To live as a christian is Hard... but thats the amazing thing about Christ, he gave us his name... which is amazing, but far beyond that, he gave us Himself.

to have That, That is worth dieing for.

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