-Some amazing conversations took place with our minstry team at HBBC! I have some crazy awesome people I work with! JENNY was fun and perfect like usual! LYN is SUCH a good friend to me, and TLYER is just an amazingly talented guy with more potential than anybody realizes and HUGE heart for seeing our students grow closer to Jesus! WOW what a great team i get to be a part of!
-I got to chill with Ben again, which was a blast! It was weird being there with a team that I was leading, instead of being with his team- but it was really encouraging and affirming to see the smile on his face and getting to know the AWESOME people that he works with in Utah (including a long-lost brother?? :P)
-NEW CONNECTIONS to other youth ministries around SoCal are starting to form and Im starting to see glimpses of the AWESOMENESS of the PDYM COMMUNITY! This
GREAT THINGS are starting to happen in the life of this youth ministry, and I'm loving being a part of a team that is SO in love with Jesus!
below is some wrap ups from the conference, and a video giving you a small glimpse into the world of YOUTH MINISTRY!
Serving him together!

Day 1 of the Purpose Driven Youth Ministry Conference was a BLAST! Meeting up with a TON of youth workers from around the world, seeing The Refinery (the youth ministry building at Saddleback church) and getting a peak into the HUGE impact that the small aspects of Youth Ministry can have on students was an AWESOME experience.
KillBall wih 120 youth workers was DEFINITELY the highlight of the night! (That, and Lyn doing the splits while playing ping-pong, spilling root-beer ALL over the table!)

A GREAT DAY of PDYM 101, divin' RIGHT into the game today!
Please stay in prayer for our leadership team as we continue getting training, building relationships, and having a BLAST!

Man oh man! This has been a GREAT day! Diving right into the Purpose Driven Model in the morning session, and throughout the day, discussing in depth the biblical purposes of Evangelism and Worship, this conference is inspiring and adding a brand new dimension of understanding, structure, and overall EXCITEMENT to the Youth Ministry staff at HBBC! Highlights of the day include hearing the middle school worship team lead thismorning, Lyn proving herself to be THE BIGGEST star wars nerd by identifying an obscure sound clip of STAR WARS Episode 4 during a morning game, and Tyler taking a nap during break and being woken up y one of the PDYM Mentors slapping him in the face! (all in good fun of course. =P)
Please continue to be in prayer for our YM Staff this week, and for our students and the church as we continue in this season of transition and growth!
Love you guys!

During one of the sessions, I grabbed a box of Good&Fruity's (the off-brand of Good&Plenty's) from the candy bins they have for us. (They give youth workers free candy... they know the way to our hearts. =D). I thought I'd share.
PDYM Day 3

Today has been great so far- Woke up to Tyler PROUDLY displaying the 5 purposes on our car, Drove to Saddleback for a great morning session on LIFE ON LIFE ministry, and heading into a GREAT afternoon session on Discipleship!

Check back soon for some Re-Cap stories, pictures and video from the conference-
heres a VIDEO that gives you a SMALL GLIMPSE into the world of Youth Ministry:

What an AMAZING WEEK of Youth Ministry Training! Juices are flowing, ideas are being generated, LOVE for the students that we work with is a great as ever!Check back soon for some Re-Cap stories, pictures and video from the conference-
Live life on PURPOSE!
"...He said to them, "Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up, take your mat and walk'? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins . . . ." He said to the paralytic, "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home." He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this!"-Mark 2:8-12
heres a VIDEO that gives you a SMALL GLIMPSE into the world of Youth Ministry:
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