Tuesday, March 03, 2009

news updates, from shoeboxblog.com

Steven Page has pulled out of Barenaked Ladies. But we hear that method’s just not reliable.

John McCain says we’re
losing the war in Afghanistan
, and we should listen to him. The man knows losing.

The fast food workers who removed their clothes because of a prank phone call are glad it didn’t happen while they were chasing the refrigerator, which they had just learned was running.

first Lady Michelle Obama’s arms are inspiring women in a way we haven’t seen since Martha Washington’s quads, which were awesome.

An octopus in the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium opened a valve in its tank and flooded the place. But the situation was saved by a small, yellow, hapless yet exuberant sponge known only as “Bob.”

Albuquerque public schools are giving cold cheese sandwiches to kids whose parents haven’t paid their lunch bills. Child advocates were outraged until they got a look at what was on the regular lunch menu.

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