Sunday, March 15, 2009


It's a weiird concept, "sharing life together".

I have been thinking for the past few weeks... How much of yourself do you share with people? We say that we are real... Buttheres always apart of ourselves that we keep hidden, private from other people.

There's a philosophical idea about self identity that says "I'm not who I think I am, I'm not who you think I am... I'm who who I think YOU THINK I am.".

I wonder how much of our true selves we keep shut up in a box, behind the pseudo-self that we present to others, the "me" they expect to see.

You know that old saying "you can't put God in a box"?

I wonder how much of ourselves we keep stuffed in a box, away from anyones eyes to see. And, more than that, I wonder what would happen if that box were opened? How would our lives be changed if we were living as more fully ourselves?

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