Saturday, September 27, 2008


It's funny to think that in some times in our lives we get the feeling that life would be so much better if we were in a play. if our lives were scripted. if all we ever had to do was play the part written for us, for that small amount of time, then walk off stage, shake it off and go out for dinner with our friends. It almost always surprises me that Life is often stranger than fiction.

I heard a quote once, "...because take a look around. why would sanity make sense?"

How often our worlds end up flipped upside down and all we can think about is the desire within us to right it, to put it back the way it was, or to turn it into the way it was supposed to be. and when we fail at that endeavor, we cringe and fall under the immense weight of despair and hopelessness.

why is there hurting in the world?

One of my professors taught a new testament survey class once, and one day he walked into class in a robe and phylacteries in order to role-play a Jewish rabbi. he told stories and took questions about his faith (as the rabbi) and expressed in great detail the wonder of being a Jew.

One student brought up the Holocaust, and asked him of his views on that.

"the holocaust was a very horrible time for my people, and we endured many things and lost many things through that time... what a terrible time for us, terrible...terrible..." he explained.

One of his students decided to challenge the professor and said "I believe that the holocaust was a good thing because, in spite of the killing, it deepened you faith and made it more real".

a good thing?

At that moment, the Professor looked away from the boy, to the top left corner of the auditorium, where a young girl, just out of high school, sat... tears welling up in her eyes.

The professor was the only one in the room who knew this girls story.

She had had a baby at the age of 15, and Social Services had come and taken the baby out of her home because no one in the home was fit to raise the child.

This girl had come to College to get a degree,in hopes that one day she would be able to care for her baby again.

Just before class, the girl had recieved a phone call from the baby's socail worker who told her that early that morning that baby had been beaten by a medical worker and had died the hour before.

now, with this ignorant student in the front row proclaiming that it is good for these things to happen, because they deepen our faith, she was un-able to move. he breath had gone short and her bottom lip was quivering in a feeble attempt to keep the tears welling up in her eyes from running down her face.

why do bad things happen?

why do we live in a world so broken, and why the hell are there so FEW PEOPLE out there trying to fix it?

We as people hate noticing things that need to be fixed. we hate going to a shrink because we think we have it all together, we hate having an intimate relationship with God because we might feel inadequate and broken, we even sometimes hate getting into a relationship with some one else because that person might end up leaving us and we would feel that same sting of guilt.

we hate seeing a homeless person on the street, and when we do we look straight ahead, afraid that if we look at him, we will have that FEELING again.

we hate feeling our own depravity, so we walk around with a facade of care and a true sense of apathy toward the world around us.

my question is this: why, if there is pain in the world, are so few people trying to take it away?


"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." -Jesus

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