Sunday, August 31, 2008

the fire pit...

im back at hume, and im freezing... things never really change do they? :)

its about 8 pm, and program staff forgot to light the fire in front of the snack shop, so im really a bit chilled at the moment. the long sleeve amor shirt is not holding its own out here, as i hoped it would.

as i look in front of me a small dog with a bow strapped around her head is wondering around the table, testing the confines of her small leash. she keeps trying to climb to unlit-fire pit to see whats inside.

its funny how we can find reminders of ourselves everywhere.

i wonder if the dog really likes the bow thats strapped to her head... if she really knew what the fashion trends are in the dog world, would she be wearing a bow that is so 1998?

or would she be thinking its really that important to be going into the still-unlit fire pit if she knew what was inside of it?

i wonder what our lives would be like, if we were like that... if we had a dumb bow strapped to out head and didnt care, rather than tryingt o buy $300 jeans that "just fit right"; or if our greatest desire would be to get into a fire pit rather than politics...

how would our lives be different if it were all a little simpler?

i think we would echo something a very smart girl once said: life is divine chaos. embrace it. forgive yourself. breath. yeah...

love all, worship one.

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