Friday, January 11, 2008

Thoughts on changing the world

Love is the pinnacle.

it is the apex.

everything revolves around it and is effected by it.

when love is present, everything is effected,
when love is absent, everything is effected.

love is the most influential thing that we have...

i have been on a friends benge lately... Monica, Pheobe, Chandler, Ross, Joey and Rachel. they have become my best friends, always there when i need them, or want them... always able ot get my mind off of the hard things in life... and like the theme song says... they'l be there for you. its really fun to watch, always wondering what kind of dumb situation ross and rachel get into, or the next bad joke chandler tells, or what monica cleans next and what pheobe will play on her guitar and joey is going to make a stupid yet hillarius comment.

i love friends.

i love waiting to see whats coming next... i love the humor, and i love the story. but, now that i've been throguh all the seasons and see where they all end up... i was thinking about what brings me back to wanting to watch the show, and i think i know what it is. its the love that they have for eachother.

yes, its funny, and yes its fun, but i love seeing the love that they all have for eachother...

we, as a species, are drawn to love. we are drawn to peolpe who we love and who love us, we are drawn to movies that have some sort of love of people in it... we love love!

god is a great and awesome and terrifying God. the ancient hebrews, it seems, were terrified of Gods power and strangth and might... the tried to appease God by offering sacrifices and living as best and they could because god is terrifying and powerful.

but just when they thouht all hope was lost, just when life seemed hard andterrible and appeasing god seemed like the only thing they could do, God showed up and showed them something that they deperately needed tohear.

He showed them that He is Love.

and because of that Huge move of God, life for them and everyone else in the world is changed forever.

how awesome would it be if we lived every day showing love to everyone around us just as Christ shows love to us.

how could our world be changed?

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