Tuesday, January 15, 2008

strength will rise?

today was long. im not sure if i like this whole getting up at 6:00 to go to work. we'll see how it goes... i do like the whole getting the night to myself though... so we'll see what happens.

thought about something today. i go throguh a lot of crap... even today, my stomachewas killing me all day... i really hate it when it happens. but i was thinking about ho wwe always want to let life be great... be smiley... be pain free, and when its not, we get really depressed and its as if our very way of life is threatened.

i was reading in acts 16 today, and it talked about how paul and silas and luke were walking and a demon-possesed girl who could tell the future was walking behind them and eveywhere they went, the girl yelled out "these people are here to tell you about the Lord Jesus christ and how to be saved!" over and over again... loudly.

well, paul got really REALLY annoyed and after about 3 days, he turned around and screamed "in the name of Jesus christ, i order ou out of that girl!" and the demon left. the people who owned the girl and were making money off of her future telling took these guys to "court" and the magistrate ordered them to be sent to prison.

now, look at tht... this person ran a demon out of that girl... and he got sent to prison.

how lame. it seemd like God was letting bad things happen to good people for no good reason.

but... if you continue reading... they end up witnessing to the people in the jail and to the jail-keeper and he gets saved.

god uses bad things... for good reasons.

kinda makes suffering... kinda awesome...right?

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