Friday, April 17, 2009

THoughts on Idols

I was sitting in class the other day and tried my darndest to name all 10 commandments off the top of my head.

I got to 8... Then with help got the last 2- and looked it up to double check.

And it surprised me what I found there. Most of them are fairly concise and short.

"do not murder" or

"do not lie"...

But God gives LONG and Lengthy Discourses on two of the commandments- which, as
it turns out, are the two commandments that we as a culture are worst at.

Do not bow down to false idols.

Keep the sabbath day holy.

Sabbath is a hard one, but I feel like before we ever get down to that part of the list, we've already broken the first. How often do I place my hope in a check? How often is my peace wrapped up in monetary stability? Or lack of homework? Or the amount of gas in my car?

Moses did some crazy things to the Isrealites when they made the Golden calf, and eventually killed all of those who's allegiance was to the man-made idol and not to Yahweh God.

I heard someone speak on this recently and he made the claim that the only way to get rid of Idolatry is to kill it.

It cannot be managed, it cannot be "medicated"... It must be killed.

"Hear, O Isreal, the Lord our God, the Lord is one"
-Deut. 6:4

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