Saturday, January 17, 2009

Winter Retreat: day 1-

Winter Retreat

Day 1

Theme: This is me.

The night went really really well... i think the kids got the main idea behind the night, and they are really understanding what this retreat is about. Im SO PROUD of all of my leaders that im working with! they are so great at what they are doing, and I am so blessed to be working with such a GREAT CHURCH.

Jesus is totally all over this retreat, and seeing the students light up when they start to meet him is amazing.

now... im tired, and have put out more fires than i wanted to, and am enjoying the quietness of the moment. the scavenger hunt went across AWESOME, the first session went really really well (Devin was awesome, the kids i think Got the main idea of the message), the guys did a good job cooking the girls food. (nobody died... yet) and they are all asleep.

not a bad day in the YM neighborhood, if i do say so myself.

and now... ahh... whats that i hear? silence? aaaahhhhhh.... so soothing.

well, im getting tired, and the kids are asleep... and i have to be up in 4 hours.

some call this insanity (ive already been accused of being on SOME kind of drug... "you gotta be on something to voluntarily WANT to do this!") but in all honesty, i look at it as an amazing opportunity to do what i love to do:

love on teenagers.

i still woke up today and thought to myself: "you are getting paid for this??"

i have said it before, and ill say it again:


love all, worship one.

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