Friday, November 07, 2008

wicked webs weaved...

im really sad prop 8 passed.

i know, i know, but im a christian, right? im supposed to be for prop 8.

but im not... i feel that, as-so-far as the church is concerned, it makes a "us vs. them" stance on our society.

we are right

you are wrong.

you deal with it, because we are the ones that are right.

and i think that thats a terrible way to go about humanity and living. It is really hard to tell people about jesus when they first hear you defending yourself against them at every turn. people make connections due to vulnerability, not distance. i feel like we just made the wide, barren gap between "evangelicals" and homosexuals even wider, seemingly impossible to cross.

the fundamental question, then, is this:

is it right to ignore biblical right and wrong when a persons or people-groups salvation is on the line? because, if you remember, you don't go to hell for being Gay, you go to hell for not having a relationship with Jesus Christ. and i fear that we just made any efforts to reach the gay community with the love and care of Jesus that much more difficult. we are refusing to go to their level and share jesus, and forcing them to come to ours.

as if ours is somehow any better than there's.

I've heard people say that our country, in electing Obama, has taken a giant step toward equality.

i, personally, think we have simply turned our focus from one minority to another.

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