im back at hume, and im freezing... things never really change do they? :)
its about 8 pm, and program staff forgot to light the fire in front of the snack shop, so im really a bit chilled at the moment. the long sleeve amor shirt is not holding its own out here, as i hoped it would.
as i look in front of me a small dog with a bow strapped around her head is wondering around the table, testing the confines of her small leash. she keeps trying to climb to unlit-fire pit to see whats inside.
its funny how we can find reminders of ourselves everywhere.
i wonder if the dog really likes the bow thats strapped to her head... if she really knew what the fashion trends are in the dog world, would she be wearing a bow that is so 1998?
or would she be thinking its really that important to be going into the still-unlit fire pit if she knew what was inside of it?
i wonder what our lives would be like, if we were like that... if we had a dumb bow strapped to out head and didnt care, rather than tryingt o buy $300 jeans that "just fit right"; or if our greatest desire would be to get into a fire pit rather than politics...
how would our lives be different if it were all a little simpler?
i think we would echo something a very smart girl once said: life is divine chaos. embrace it. forgive yourself. breath. yeah...
love all, worship one.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
wow... ill say it backwords... wow
this is a comment in response to an article on Obama's acceptance speech at the democratic natl. convention.
i hope this is satire...

i hope this is satire...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
so much to say and not to much time to write them down.
life is good... God is great,
people on the floor ar amazing,
old friends are great
new friends are awesome
feeling better all the time
singing a song of hope,
sing along.
love all, worship one
life is good... God is great,
people on the floor ar amazing,
old friends are great
new friends are awesome
feeling better all the time
singing a song of hope,
sing along.
love all, worship one
Sunday, August 10, 2008
on the road again...
im sitting here, my last ngiht at hume lake, and its around 65 degrees outside.
im gonna miss this.
i have a long day of driving tomorrow, so im about to go hit the sack i think.
God is sOOOO Good, and his people are full of His love!
hopefully see some of you soon,
Be love
im gonna miss this.
i have a long day of driving tomorrow, so im about to go hit the sack i think.
God is sOOOO Good, and his people are full of His love!
hopefully see some of you soon,
Be love
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
thats MY king...
Boy I wish I could describe Him to ya...
-My King is the King of the Jews (That's a racial king)
-He is the King of Israel (That's a national king)
-He's the King of Righteousness
-He's the King of Glory
-He's the King of Kings
-He's the Lord of Lords
Thats my king
-David said, "the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmaments show of his handiwork"
-My King is a soveirgn King
-No means of measure can define his limitless love
-No far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of his shoreless supply
-No barrier can hinder Him from pouring out his blessings
-He is enduringly stong
-He is entirely sincere
-He's eternally steadfast
-He's immortally graceful
-He's imperially powerful
-He's impartially merciful
-He is the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world
-He's God's son
-He's a sinners saviour
-He's the centerpeice of civilization
-He stands in the of Himself
-He's unique
-He's unparalle
-He's unprecedented
-He is the loftess idea in literature
-He's the highest personality in philosophy
-He is the supreme problem in high criticism
-He’s the fundamental doctrine of true theology
-He is the necessity for spiritual religion
-He’s the miracle of the age
-He is the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him
-He’s the only one qualified to be an all-sufficient saviour
-He supplies strength for the weak
-He’s available for the tempted and the tried
-He sympathizes and He saves
-He strengthens and sustains
-He guards and He guides
-He heals the sick
-He cleanses the lepers
-He forgives the sinners
-He discharges the debtors
-He delivers the captives
-He defends the feeble
-He blesses the young
-He serves the unfourtunate
-He rewards the diligent
-And He beautifies the meek
This is my King!!!
-He is the Key to Knowledge
-He is the Well-spring of Wisdom
-He’s the Doorway of Deliverance
-He’s the Pathway of Peace
-He’s the Roadway of Righteousness
-He’s the Highway of Holiness
-He’s the Gateway of Glory
-His office is manifold
-His promise is sure
-His life is matchless
-His goodness is limitless
-His mercy is everlasting
-His love never changes
-His word is enough
-His grace is sufficient
-His reign is righteous
-And His yoke is easy
-And His burden is light
I wish I could describe Him to ya…
-He’s indescribable
-He’s incomprehensible
-He’s invincible
-He’s irresistible
-You can’t get Him off your mind
-You can’t out live Him
-You can’t live without Him
-The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him, but they found out they couldn’t stop Him
-Pilate couldn’t find any fault in Him
-The witnesses couldn’t get their testimonies to agree
-Herod couldn’t kill Him
-Death couldn’t hold him
-And the grave couldn’t contain Him
That’s my King!!!
And His is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory; forever, and ever, and ever, and ever- How long is that?- And ever, and ever… And when you get through all the forever’s, then amen!
-My King is the King of the Jews (That's a racial king)
-He is the King of Israel (That's a national king)
-He's the King of Righteousness
-He's the King of Glory
-He's the King of Kings
-He's the Lord of Lords
Thats my king
-David said, "the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmaments show of his handiwork"
-My King is a soveirgn King
-No means of measure can define his limitless love
-No far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of his shoreless supply
-No barrier can hinder Him from pouring out his blessings
-He is enduringly stong
-He is entirely sincere
-He's eternally steadfast
-He's immortally graceful
-He's imperially powerful
-He's impartially merciful
-He is the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world
-He's God's son
-He's a sinners saviour
-He's the centerpeice of civilization
-He stands in the of Himself
-He's unique
-He's unparalle
-He's unprecedented
-He is the loftess idea in literature
-He's the highest personality in philosophy
-He is the supreme problem in high criticism
-He’s the fundamental doctrine of true theology
-He is the necessity for spiritual religion
-He’s the miracle of the age
-He is the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him
-He’s the only one qualified to be an all-sufficient saviour
-He supplies strength for the weak
-He’s available for the tempted and the tried
-He sympathizes and He saves
-He strengthens and sustains
-He guards and He guides
-He heals the sick
-He cleanses the lepers
-He forgives the sinners
-He discharges the debtors
-He delivers the captives
-He defends the feeble
-He blesses the young
-He serves the unfourtunate
-He rewards the diligent
-And He beautifies the meek
This is my King!!!
-He is the Key to Knowledge
-He is the Well-spring of Wisdom
-He’s the Doorway of Deliverance
-He’s the Pathway of Peace
-He’s the Roadway of Righteousness
-He’s the Highway of Holiness
-He’s the Gateway of Glory
-His office is manifold
-His promise is sure
-His life is matchless
-His goodness is limitless
-His mercy is everlasting
-His love never changes
-His word is enough
-His grace is sufficient
-His reign is righteous
-And His yoke is easy
-And His burden is light
I wish I could describe Him to ya…
-He’s indescribable
-He’s incomprehensible
-He’s invincible
-He’s irresistible
-You can’t get Him off your mind
-You can’t out live Him
-You can’t live without Him
-The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him, but they found out they couldn’t stop Him
-Pilate couldn’t find any fault in Him
-The witnesses couldn’t get their testimonies to agree
-Herod couldn’t kill Him
-Death couldn’t hold him
-And the grave couldn’t contain Him
That’s my King!!!
And His is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory; forever, and ever, and ever, and ever- How long is that?- And ever, and ever… And when you get through all the forever’s, then amen!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
i hate my body... i really do. i hate it that i cannot find whats going on in my tummy... i hate it that im second guessing myself, and trying to act like its not there only ot find that im doubled over in pain afterwards, i hate it that i dont know. i feel like im not in controll of my body right now, and it freaks me out. but i have to remember that i am not supposed to be in controll of my body, God is. if i surrender myself to him, then i surrender my self to him. i have heard it said that faith is the curraige to accept acceptance. i think thats true.
Anna, as i was passing by the security booth thismorning, asked how i was, and i told her what happened. then she leaned her head into the window of my car and asked "josh, is God still on His throne?"
and i had to say "yes", because He is. and i need ot rest in that.
God, grant me the peace and patience to move through this world that has been created around me, and hep me to always turn to you in the midst of this.
Anna, as i was passing by the security booth thismorning, asked how i was, and i told her what happened. then she leaned her head into the window of my car and asked "josh, is God still on His throne?"
and i had to say "yes", because He is. and i need ot rest in that.
God, grant me the peace and patience to move through this world that has been created around me, and hep me to always turn to you in the midst of this.
Friday, August 01, 2008
a song of hope.
wow... its been a try week.
ill say it backwords... wow.
its funny to think about, but it just hit me earlier in chapel... life sucks sometimes. it really does.
but we still have hope.
we still are in the presence of rescue.
and my God can still kick your gods Butt!
its funny... peter says in one of his books "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..."
its still possible.
its still here.
im singing a song of hope.
sing along. :-]
ill say it backwords... wow.
its funny to think about, but it just hit me earlier in chapel... life sucks sometimes. it really does.
but we still have hope.
we still are in the presence of rescue.
and my God can still kick your gods Butt!
its funny... peter says in one of his books "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..."
its still possible.
its still here.
im singing a song of hope.
sing along. :-]
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