Friday, June 06, 2008


i ma so blessed and honored to be a part of this place.

i have heard some amazing stories of How GOD has worked and has hed his hand over this place for a long time. it amazes me to think that i am a part of God's story, just cooking pancakes... a lot of pancakes.

fun story:
in 1980 a man from el salvador, Jorge, decided to take his family on vacation to the US, and they really wanted to see the Giant sequoias, so they came up to kings canyon to see them. well, there was no room at the campsite up on the ridge, but the rangers told him to try this little campground down the hill by hume lake, so he came and set up camp at the campground on the side ofHume. well... this man was n alchaholic, always carried around a iceshest of beer... and he ran out up here, so he went over to the general store on Hume's Property... well, as he went in, he walked up and down the aisles trying to find the beer... not knowing the we keep it in the back for staff, he got really upset and walked outside and started to pace up and down getting more and more upset by the minute... his hands shaking from lack of alchohol.

just then two guys on there way to the general store were walking across the parking lot, Jeff and Graham. As the walked up the the g-store they saw Jorge really upset. well, these guys were on staff for Hume so the asked him what was wrong... and he told them... and ove the next few mintues they told him what the camp was about and shared the gospel with him. right then and there he accpeted Christ . they went the gift shop, baught him a bible, signed it and he left and went back to his campsite.

and the two guys went back to the g-store.

ast year, 2007, Jeff is driving up in idaho and he gts a call on his cell phone.

the man says "is this jeff bell?'


"you dont know me, but i have a story to tell you. in 1980 you talked to a man outside of the Hume Lake General Store and lead him teh Christ."

"i did...?"

" now, you don't know it... but that man went back to el salvador and converted his whole family to the Lord, tehn he built a christian school for children to learn about JEsus... then realised that the only kids that were coming were the rich kids ho could afford it so he built another school for the poor and made it free. he then turned those schools over the churches that he had planted and built many many more schools and churches in elsalvador.

that man was my name is Jorge Mallina, and My father shared the gospel with my entire family.

im Calling from Florida. I am the pastor of a church of 10,000 people here, reaching the lost for the Kingdom,
and i just wanted to call and say thank you.

thank you".

the conversation went on long into the night and the morning... but istn it awesome how those two guys who had no idea they were going to meet anyone, who were probably going to the general store for a coke or some ice cream, met a man from el Salvador and started this chain reaction that has saved THOUSANDS of people...

all because of Hume LAke.

i am so excited to be here.

God is SO GOOD!!!

love you guys,
update later.

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