Monday, June 09, 2008

the glory of double x's

theres this really cool part of camp up here... probably the most incredible non-soul changing part of hume there is...

it is commonly called the Bike Jump.

in said event, campers from each team ride their bike down the dock of the lake and ride right off the jump at the end, usually performing any combonation of tricks and/or stunts to earn points for their team.

most of them, however, overwhelmed by the combined feelings of fear, excitement and the chemical addition of adrenaline, end up letting go of the bike as soon as they go off the jump and, flailing their arms, smack flly-embarassed into the water while the MC's try to say something witty and humerous in an attempt to save these poor guys (and girls) faces.

it is a glorius thing to watch a young man hurl himself off of a jump and do an amazing trick of physics and aerodynamics, thus generating thunderous applause from the audience.

it is even better when a girl beets everyone and wins the competition.

aint life grand?

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