Sunday, December 28, 2008

'cause a small town is a small stage for teenagers and their drama....

my life the past few days could definately make the context for a pretty dang good daytime soap opera.

its wierd, but i kinda feel like my life is heading in a certain direction and i have no way to make it change course, and no way of knowing where i am going, and this innate fear welling up inside of me consisting of primarily a fear of losing control.

i found a quote from a movie that i thought was appropriate. a woman comes out of a hospital crying, and is greeted by Elder Aaron Davis, a mormon missionary, ad they start a conversation. mid-way through, Aaron finds himself at a loss, and begins the following:

Elder Aaron Davis: Do you ever read the Sunday comics?
Lila: [confused] I beg your pardon?
[changes her mind]
Lila: Yes, of course the Sunday comics.
Elder Aaron Davis: Well, when I was a little kid, I use to put my nose right up to them. And I was just amazed because it looked like this mass of dots, and none of it made sense until I pulled back. Life looks like that mass of dots to me sometimes. None of it makes any sense, but I like to think that, from God's perspective, life, everything - even this - make sense. It's not just dots. Instead we're all connected, and it's beautiful and funny and good. This close we can't expect it to make sense, not right now.

this is an AMAZING quote... i cant even tell you.

so right now, im simply hoping that life realy is more than a bid mass of dots, cause for a few minutes, it starts to feel that way.

Grace and peace! and Happy New Year!


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