Friday, March 14, 2008

thats a Wrap! Ending thoughts of tour

"All that have life and breath, Praise Ye The Lord! Shout to the Lord, Alleluia!"

I'm not entirely sure what to put here... i know i have so many stories to tell, so many awesome realizations about God that i have seen, so many awesome things to think about, but as i sit here in the Fosters Dorm Room, writing a blog and hearing Jonny singing worship songs and praises to Jesus and how awesome that is... i star to think about what was important on tour.

i am tempted to say that the best part of it all was the homestay's, we were blessed with a awesome home-stays and families along our way, people who Loved JESUS and loved other people so much, it was awesome. God was honored with that... God was honored with the people that loved us that much that they wold give away everything to make sure we were taken care of.

i am tempted to say that the most important thing about tour was the concerts and the fun that we had with the people who were there to listen to us, and the kids that came up and sang with us, and the looks on faces when the holy spirit showed up. how awesome was that? pretty awesome.

I'm also tempted to say that the relationships we built on the trip was the most important thing... that we learned so much about so many people, we got closer as a group... i thought it was awesome how i got to know people so much better that i thought i knew pretty well already... but God shows us new thins every day.

i think about all these things, about the people we ministered to, and the people we ministered with and how Gods spirit showed up in it all over the place, but as i sit and write this... the only that that matters to me Right now is that God was praised and glorified with us on the tour...

listening to jonny sing and play his guitar and worship Jesus... to be present for that, and to be a witness to the love that he has for God and how much passion there is in that... to see Gods children truly glorify him... that was the most important thing... the most important thing was that God was the most important thing... that we can live and love him and through that love of him we can love others...

We are definitely designed to live in community with other believers... i don't think there is any getting around that... and this trip just solidified more and more how, when Gods children come together to honor him and have a good time doing it... something special happens: Gods spirit is there with us, and angels join us in praise of Him, and we get the opportunity to join in chorus with every other person on the planet in worshipping our Savior and our God.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Now, to the King, eternal immortal and invisible; to the only God be honor and glory and power, Amen!"

We're better together!

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